How will I know if my whole home filtration system is removing chlorine?

We should start off by saying that it is nearly impossible to remove all of the contaminants from your home water supply. Water treatment focuses on reduction, rather than a complete removal. Some of the best and most effective filtration systems won’t remove every contaminant. Most manufacturers will tell you that their products remove around 99% of the chlorine in your water supply – not the full 100%. We recommend that you send a sample of your water to a state-certified laboratory to determine the effectiveness of your filtration system.

The reason why chlorine is present in our water supplies is that it disinfects water that’s distributed via main water lines that connect your home to your municipal provider. Installing a whole home filtration system should automatically remove 90% of the chlorine or other disinfectant in your water supply.

Why does my water taste bad? How can I treat it?

The water that enters your home originates from a treatment facility that often uses disinfectants and other chemicals to prepare your water supply for distribution. For example, fluoride and chlorine are known to produce water that doesn’t taste good and they both emit an unpleasant odor. The best way to treat your home water supply is to install a whole house filtration system and water purifier. They can greatly improve the taste and smell of your water by removing various contaminants, including lead, iron, fluoride, nitrates and dozens of other contaminants. If you do elect to install a system that treats the water you use throughout your entire home, then you will need to install your filtration unit at the point of entry (POE). This is where your water supply initially enters your home.

What is an Activated Carbon filtration system and what does it do?

Activated carbon entails the use of a charcoal filter that contains many small and tiny beads that effectively trap and remove impurities in your water supply. The filter is injected with heat, steam, and other chemicals to activate the small pores that inundate the filter. This makes it easier for the carbon to absorb any contaminants inside your water supply.

The activated carbonic properties of the filter essentially create a magnetic pull that attracts specific impurities and traps them into those many little pores. These impurities then transfer from the liquid to areas within the channels said pores. We should mention, however, that activated carbon filters will convert and alter chemicals such as chlorine to rid your water supply of any pollutants.

What is a whole home reverse osmosis (RO) system and do I need it?

Reverse osmosis is a method of water filtration that entails a multi-step process of eliminating impurities. It makes use of a semi-permeable membrane with extremely small pores that only water molecules can pass through. The membrane is what will reject those impurities and pollutants, such as dissolved salts, bacteria and sediment. Most homeowners and commercial operators invest in an RO filtration system because it produces highly purified drinking water. Having access to high-quality water is necessary for several major economic industries, including the restaurant business and pharmaceutical production. RO systems are quickly becoming the most popular method of water filtration and purification for their effectiveness and reliability.

Where does my water come from?

Before you install a whole home water filtration system, you want to know where your water is coming from in the first place. This is perfectly understandable. Your home water supply comes from one of two primary sources: either from a municipal supplier or a private water system, i.e., ground well water. Municipalities are going to remove the major impurities that enter your water supply, such as leaves from a tree or silt. Most municipal suppliers will also make use of disinfectants such as chlorine or chloramines to kill bacteria and other pollutants in your water supply. A private well is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain, which includes administering tests and filtering out impurities. Knowing the source of your water supply is a big part of choosing the filtration system that is right for you.

Do I need a water softener or a whole house filtration system?

There is a huge difference between water softeners and filtration systems. Whichever one your home will require ultimately depends on your water needs. Water softeners are installed to remove hard minerals from your home water supply. They typically convert magnesium and calcium ions into sodium ions. Hard minerals can have a disastrous effect on your home plumbing system if you don’t treat your water supply accordingly. Water filtration systems are much more advanced when it comes to removing those impurities. They can effectively eliminate a wide range of contaminants, including sodium, lead, cysts, VOCs, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. Depending on your water source, the type of filtration system you decide to install may vary.

Where should I filter my water? At the point of entry or point of use?

This is a difficult decision for many homeowners. What it all comes down to is the size of your household, the way in which you use your water supply, and the contaminants that your water supply contains. These are the main things that you will need to consider. Point of use filtration methods are more ideal for homeowners who have certain budgetary limitations. Point of use filtration is still very effective at reducing the taste and odor of chlorine, microbial contaminants, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, you are limited to a single faucet. Point of entry filtration methods, also known as whole house water filtration systems, are attached directly to your main water line. This ensures that you are receiving healthy and purified water in every plumbing fixture throughout your home.

What is sediment filtration?

This is a method of filtration that focuses on removing and reducing the presence of dirt, rust, sand and silt from your home water supply. Sediment filtration is much more viable for homeowners that rely on well water as their main water source. Well water tends to contain higher levels of sediment than a municipal source. Most whole home filtration methods are very effective at removing sediment, which will go a long way in protecting your plumbing system and getting the most usage out of your water-using appliances. If you want to find out sediment is afflicting your home water supply, then take a good look at your toilet. Examine the inside of the tank and see if there is any debris floating around. This is usually an indication of high levels of sediment.

What is the biggest benefit of installing a whole home water purifier?

The answer is easy: reliable access to safe and healthy drinking water. Water that comes straight from a municipal source will likely contain some sort of impurity. That’s just the way it goes sometimes. Furthermore, city water will also contain different disinfectants, such as chlorine or fluoride, and this is done as a treatment method to kill off bacteria and microbial contaminants. When you consume an excessive amount of impurities and compound chemicals, you are putting your health at risk. Installing a whole home filtration system will easily remove most of the 2,100 known toxins in your water supply. Filtered and purified water is going to offer you amazing health benefits, and it’s a luxury that many of us take for granted.

Does water filtration for my entire home offer environmental benefits?

Whole home filtration systems are indeed the eco-friendly option and here’s why. Ask yourself this question: Have you gotten into a habit of purchasing bottled water and relying on it as a primary source for purified drinking water? If so, then you are in some capacity contributing to environmental pollution. How so? Large amounts of plastics end up in landfills, oceans, and natural ecosystems where the material doesn’t belong in the first place. It takes plastic hundreds of years to degrade, and it emits a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during that process. Installing a whole home filtration system is going to eliminate your dependence on bottled water while also supplying you with healthy and tasty drinking water.

Are there affordable alternatives to water filtration for my home?

There are certainly budget-friendly options that are available to you, but you should never settle for something cheap. When it comes to installing the best whole home water filtration system for you, the last thing you want to do is think about the money. Cheap filtration systems are only going to filter out the larger contaminants. This means that your system won’t remove chemicals and most toxins, but only rust and sediment. A one-dimensional filtration system is simply not going to cut it. Your water may appear limpid and free of toxins, but it likely contains chlorine and possibly VOCs. You should never settle for an inexpensive system and instead, you should explore every available option. Nothing should be off the table when it comes to water filtration and purification.

Are there any disadvantages to installing a whole home filtration system?

Water purification for your entire home is something you shouldn’t ever neglect. You should always prioritize the health and well-being of your family. That being said, there are some minor drawbacks to whole home filtration. For example, the initial investment can be costly depending on the type of system you are installing. However, the more expensive systems are going to provide you with superior results and for many people, they are well worth the investment. Whole home filtration will also require you to hire an installation specialist. Furthermore, some filtration systems have limited capacity and only produce a certain amount of purified water on an average day. This means that you will need to take into account the water demands of your household before moving forward with your installation.

Will a whole home filtration system improve the taste of my drinking water?

Yes, your home water supply will indeed taste a lot better. It will also smell a lot better too. Depending on the toxins and minerals contained inside your water supply, it can certainly create an odd taste and smell. For example, excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide can cause your home water supply to smell like rotten eggs. Furthermore, dissolved solids will even give your water a dirty or muddy smell, which also makes it very unpleasant to consume. Lead, mercury, iron and arsenic will also impair the taste and smell of your drinking water. Obviously, you are a lot less likely to consume any water that comes directly from your faucet when these sorts of contaminants and toxins are present. A whole home filtrations system, however, renders potable drinking water without the nasty taste and smell.

Will purified water throughout my home benefit my skincare routine?

Clean and purified water is going to make a huge difference when it comes to maintaining healthy skin. Our body is a delicate ecosystem that requires safe and filtered water for us to bring about the healthiest outcomes. When your skin soaks up and absorbs those various contaminants and toxins, it causes damage and excessive drying. It also causes your luscious hair to fade and lose its original luster. And inhaling any contaminated water will make you vulnerable to allergies and various respiratory issues. Clean and filtered water is going to make a huge difference when it comes to skin and hair care. Whole home filtration systems offer you a pathway to a healthier lifestyle.

How will whole home filtration benefit my plumbing system?

Let’s say your home water supply contains a lot of hard minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. Well, these minerals will accumulate and form deposits inside your plumbing system over time. This will put everything in jeopardy and you may need to hire a plumbing repair specialist to remove any major buildup. Also, think about your appliances and fixtures that utilize water, such as your faucets, garbage disposal, and dishwasher. Prolonged exposure to hard water can cause major plumbing failures, which is something you will want to avoid if you can. Having filtered water flow through your plumbing system at all times will limit buildup and prevent any major clogs.

What is hard water?

Hard water refers to the calcium and magnesium built up in the water supply. Hard water results in scaling and buildup that can be a nuisance to both you and your home. Water hardness can be treated by both water softeners and conditioners depending on your needs.

What is soft water?

Soft water is when water isn’t exposed to either calcium or magnesium. This water is the result of using a water softener that can remove calcium and magnesium through a process and replace it with sodium chloride.

What is a whole house water filter?

A whole-home water filtration system ensures that the entire home has treated water. Other filter options can target certain areas such as bathrooms or kitchens, while a whole-home filtration system gives you filtered water everywhere in your home.

How do I choose the best whole home water filtration system?

Every home is different and has different needs. A few steps you can take to pick the right filtration system are finding out the flow rate of faucets, consider the size of the filter needed, and choose which type of filtration system you want.

Can a whole home water filter affect water pressure?

Yes. Always be sure that the filter is cleaned properly and free of clogs. If the filter becomes clogged a sure sign is lowered water pressure.

How much does a whole home water filtration system cost?

Typically you can expect to spend $2000 on average between the filtration itself and labor. Some systems are as low as $1000 while others can run as high as $5000.

What is the strongest whole home water filtration system?

Currently, the reverse osmosis system is the strongest on the market. These filters are great for drinking water because they remove up to 99% of contaminants found in regular water.

Can you drink unfiltered tap water?

Some homeowners like the taste of their tap water with no issues so if you like it, keep on drinking! Filtered water has a different taste but is more important to homeowners who have health issues and need to have cleaner drinking water free from bacteria.

How long does it take to install a whole home water filtration system?

Installation of a whole home water filtration system is fast and easy! Most installations only take 2-4 hours before you have cleaner water.

Is boiling water the same as filtered water?

Technically, boiled water is the same as filtered water with its cleanliness. However, having to boil water for all your needs whether it is for drinking or cleaning can be a tedious task making a whole home water filtration system a more efficient choice.

What does a filtration system get rid of?

Having a whole-home filtration system ensures better quality and safer drinking water. Filtration systems can get rid of bacteria, heavy metals, radon, rust, parasites, chlorine, pesticides, and VOCs.

Are there any other benefits to water filtration other than getting rid of the “bad stuff” in water?

Having a home water filtration system is much more beneficial than just clean drinking water. A home filtration system prevents vapors from chlorine from being released when you shower or run your dishwasher which can be hazardous if inhaled. Filtered water also contributes to cleaner laundry and fewer skin irritants.

Where are whole home water filtration systems installed?

A home water filtration system is installed at the main water line as it enters the home which is typically in either the basement or the garage. This is also often near the water heater and a filtration system should be installed prior to a water heater so both hot and cold water can be treated.

Are whole home filtrations systems easy to use and maintain?

While they may seem intimidating at first, a whole home water filtration system is incredibly easy to clean and maintain. Maintenance generally just consists of changing the filter when needed and most companies offer a great warranty with their services.

How long do these whole-home filters last?

Typically you can expect your filtration system to last anywhere from 10-12 years. These filters are incredibly durable and the life expectancy is dependent on the maintenance and how hard they work.

How big is a home filtration system?

The unit size depends on your family’s needs. Some units are small enough that they could fit in a small space like under your sink while other units are much larger.

How do I know if I need to change my filter?

There are a few sure signs that it is time to change your filter including finding floating bits in your water, metallic taste, buildup, and low water pressure.