Kitchen Plumbing

A Full Guide to Your Kitchen Plumbing

Our company is professionals in all kitchen plumbing needs. Not only can we install and maintain water filtration systems but we can help with your plumbing no matter where it is in your kitchen. Our company has knowledge based on years of experience that can help with all your kitchen plumbing needs. We offer competitive prices that can fit any budget! Call us today to learn more about our great services and receive a free, no-obligation quote!

  • Competitive Prices
  • Years of Experience
  • Maintenance & Repairs
  • Quality Work

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    Types of Plumbing Found in Your Kitchen

    There are many types of plumbing that are found in your kitchen that you may not realize. Below we’ll explore the different types of plumbing you can find in your kitchen that we can help to install, maintain, and repair.
    water filtration system

    Water Filtration System

    Having a water filtration system installed or even present in your kitchen requires special plumbing. This system can be just for your kitchen and delivers fresh and clean drinking water to your kitchen faucet for better cooking, cleaner dishes, and better drinking water. Proper plumbing for your filtration system is important in its longevity and how well it will work.
    kitchen sink

    Kitchen Sink

    Your kitchen sink is the hub of plumbing in your kitchen. This is an area that has many uses so the installation and plumbing of your sink are very important. This area houses whole house water filtration systems, your faucet, and garbage disposals that all serve different functions from this one important area. Our professionals have experience with all kitchen sinks and can help with any installation or repair ranging from garbage disposals to faucets.
    garbage disposal

    Garbage Disposal

    Garbage disposals are an important part of any kitchen because they can cut down on waste and be very convenient for our home. These disposals need regular cleaning and maintenance for them to stay in proper working order and do the tough work they do. Keeping up with regular maintenance for your disposal keeps it running efficiently and can prevent any smells that can occur in garbage disposals.


    If you have a refrigerator that has an ice and water machine, then there is special plumbing that hooks a water line to your refrigerator to give the ice and water at your convenience. This line has to be installed correctly and maintained to keep water and ice stocked in your fridge for easy access and can be tricky to install or maintain on your own.


    Dishwashers can be a hassle to install and even more to maintain because of how they are hooked up. Some dishwashers are on a separate line while others are integrated with your sink’s plumbing. Whichever way your dishwasher works, our team can handle either installation or maintenance of the line to keep your dishwasher working properly and your dishes clean!
    Give us a call today
    to receive a free estimate!

    The Importance of Regular Maintenance

    Kitchen Plumbing

    Regular maintenance of kitchen plumbing is important to keep your kitchen going. If you have one element of your plumbing go out, it can prove to be detrimental to how your kitchen works. Not only does regular plumbing maintenance of your kitchen keep it going, but it can help the plumbing to last longer as well as all the elements that are involved. Regular maintenance on dishwasher plumbing ensures that water is delivered correctly to your dishwasher to give you clean dishes and make sure it is drained properly. Proper water line maintenance for the fridge keeps cold ice ready for you as well as water for hot days. Having a water filter in your kitchen requires proper plumbing maintenance to guarantee you’ll always have fresh and clean water at your fingertips!
    regular maintenance importance
    Kitchen Plumbing
    Whole House Water Filtration
    A Whole House Water Filtration, we can help with all your kitchen plumbing needs! We cover anything from new installations, repairs, and maintenance to ensure all the plumbing in your kitchen is in top working order. Call us today to learn more about our professional kitchen plumbing services and receive a free, no-obligation quote!

    New Installations

    new installations
    New installations can be tough to do to the untrained eye. Our professionals can do installations of many kitchen plumbing necessities such as water filtration systems, dishwashers, new faucets, and garbage disposals. Having these installed the right way is important to the functionality of your kitchen. Below are further overviews of new installation plumbing:
    • Faucets

      Faucets are more than just sticking on a fixture! While they may seem easy at first there is more that goes into replacing or installing a new kitchen faucet. The water supply must be cut off and the old faucet uninstalled. Then with many tools handy, the new faucet is placed, water is connected, and the lines flushed before use.

    • Dishwashers

      Installing a new dishwasher can be a hassle, making sure the lines are properly connected so the dishes will come clean and the unit will fill and drain properly.

    • Water Filter Systems

      Installing a new water filtration system can be tricky and requires a lot of tools that you may not have just lying around your home. Installing your water filtration system correctly is important in guaranteeing you’ll have fresh and clean water delivered to your home.

    Regular Maintenance

    regular maintenance
    Regular maintenance routines on your kitchen plumbing are important in keeping your plumbing in working order. There are ways to keep the plumbing of your kitchen clean and free of debris and other harmful things with the perfect routine. Below are common types of kitchen plumbing and how you can keep them well maintained.
    • Garbage disposals

      Garbage disposals can get a certain smell to them or become clogged at times. Both of these instances can be helped with regular maintenance to ensure that the disposal drains properly without getting backed up and smells fresh.

    • Dishwasher

      Surprisingly, many homeowners do not realize that dishwashers have a filter. This filter can become clogged at times because food that is left gets caught in the trap and needs to be cleared each time you run the dishwasher. Wiping the inside and outside of the dishwasher keeps it looking good without a smell. Specific dishwasher packs designed to clean the interior are also an option to clean and sanitize.

    • Water Filtration

      Water filtration maintenance is important because without regular maintenance you may have to replace the entire unit instead of just the regular maintenance. Regular maintenance of a water filtration system includes cleaning the outside of the filter and replacing the internal filters and membranes depending on the system you have.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the most common kitchen plumbing problems?

    The most common plumbing issues that come about in kitchens are clogged drains, leaky faucets, and low water pressure. These problems may not pose a huge risk but can be an inconvenience and even cost you more in utility bills.

    When should I call a professional for plumbing problems?

    Some plumbing problems can be solved at home with simple DIY remedies. For example, clogged drains can be solved with a solution of baking soda and vinegar. It’s when these simple solutions no longer work or the problem is major such as a busted line.

    Whole Home Filtration System

    Reliable and convenient access to uncontaminated water.